Peckham Rye Liberal Democrats

Laurie Eggleston, Jennifer Blake & Alastair Bowman; your local Focus Team and Council Candidates Learn more

Parent’s Focus Meet & Greet

by Laurie Eggleston on 25 August, 2009


Today the three of us were joined by Councillor Lisa Rajan, executive member for Children’s Services on Southwark Council. We met and spoke with parents on Peckham Rye Common; outside the Café and One O’clock club. We were filling out brief surveys focusing on chilren’s issues, such as play facilities and school places. We were also handing out guides to the services provided by Southwark Council for children.

It was a great opportunity to hear the concerns of parents first-hand. Foremost was the lack of primary school places in the ward. The area has become immensely popular with young families in recent years; drawn to the schools which have improved rapidly. There is therefore a need for extra school places. As a new school will be difficult to realise (there simply isn’t a suitable site in Peckham Rye; although we’ll keep looking for one!), the existing schools must be encouraged to expand. We also need to raise up the standards of the schools which are still less popular.

But while the parents were happy to talk to us, all their kids were interested in were our balloons. Now, if only we could get 4 year-olds the vote, I’ve found the perfect helium-filled policy to win their support…

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