Peckham Rye Liberal Democrats

Laurie Eggleston, Jennifer Blake & Alastair Bowman; your local Focus Team and Council Candidates Learn more

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Housing Focus

by Laurie Eggleston on 10 September, 2009


Last month we carried out a Housing Focus survey throughout the ward. We knocked on every council tenant’s door and asked if they had any issue or repairs needed with their housing which we could help with.We gave everyone a survey asking for details of any outstanding work, or for descriptions of their past experiences. We’ve had back quite a few responses from people, and we’re working with the council to carry out any work as quickly as possible.

One of the most shocking things we discovered was the above pictured water access point, which was missing it’s cover (it had cracked and fallen in). This was outside the entrance to Rye Hill towers, with children playing nearby. It was an accident waiting to happen. Residents told me that they’d reported it months ago and nothing had been done about it. One of the current Labour councillors was recently in the local paper complaining about the towers, trying to score points against the council. Shame he didn’t think to try and actually intervene and get anything actually sorted.

I’ve now had this fixed, after raising it with the council, and making them aware of the seriousness of it. It constantly annoys me how much Labour takes voters in Peckham Rye for granted. Many people told me at their door that their Labour councillors had never knocked and asked if they needed help with anything. Why do they feel like they don’t need to do any work to justify their votes?

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