Peckham Rye Liberal Democrats

Laurie Eggleston, Jennifer Blake & Alastair Bowman; your local Focus Team and Council Candidates Learn more

Change is coming to Peckham Rye!

by Laurie Eggleston on 7 January, 2010


Hello and welcome to Peckham Rye Liberal Democrats’ new community website!  This will be an online version of our Focus Newsletters, providing up-to-date local information.

We will be posting updates on current issues, photos, videos and surveys on hot topics. We also hope to provide an effective collection of links for local information and services. If you think we’re missing an important website, please let us know!

There are 4 months to go until the local elections. Change is in the air in Peckham Rye as residents are fed up of being ignored and taken for granted by their failed Labour councillors.

Your Liberal Democrat Focus Team and council candidates have been working for years helping local residents, stepping in and filling the job of absent Labour councillors. We are determined to win in Peckham Rye next year so that local people have councillors who are prepared to work for residents.   

But why wait until we’re elected? If you have a problem locally we want to help now! Use the link on the left to report a problem, and we’ll do our best to help. 

If you’d like to get involved and help us change Peckham Rye for the better please follow the ‘How You Can Help’ link on the side. There are plenty of ways you can get involved or show your support. 

People are tired of Labour’s spin. The Labour party have run out of energy both nationally and locally. In Southwark Labour are imploding, resorting to in-fighting and desperately scrambling about trying to locate a new safe seat elsewhere in the country. They have nothing positive to offer local people and are already resorting to negative campaigning, turning people away. Meanwhile the Liberal Democrats are winning new supporters each day as people choose our positive message of building a freer, fairer and greener society.

ps. Although this site is new, I’ve brought across the posts from my own website:, to give this site a history of what we’ve been up to in Peckham Rye previously.


2 Responses

  1. S Culver says:

    Great work that the Lib Dem’s are doing at the moment. Totally agree that Labour have run out of energy. This is just what the area needs.

  2. Graham says:

    Great to see the site up and running, can’t wait to come back & meet some more voters, see you soon!

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