Peckham Rye Liberal Democrats

Laurie Eggleston, Jennifer Blake & Alastair Bowman; your local Focus Team and Council Candidates Learn more

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Our Manifesto for Peckham Rye

by Laurie Eggleston on 14 April, 2010


As you’ll see below, Southwark Liberal Democrats have launched our manisfesto. However, the following are our manifesto pledges for what we will work towards in Peckham Rye:

  • Work to install drainage on Peckham Rye Common, so that the community can use more of it all year round.
  • Create new tree planting fund – 200 new trees, to be planted where residents want them.
  • Zero Tolerance – on dog fouling, dumped waste, littering and abandoned cars.
  • Provide more local allotments.
  • Create new Home Insulation Fund – insulating worst offenders and cutting CO2.
  • Encourage people to take their cars off the road – using better public transport, more cycle lanes and car clubs.
  • Safer Roads – 20mph speed limits, review of junctions and new pedestrian crossings.
  • Provide free property marking kits and small business alarms to reduce crime.
  • Campaign for Transport for London to extend the 63 bus route to Honor Oak station.

These pledges are based on what you’ve told us to do. Our approach to local politics is different to Labour’s. We won’t just decide what we think is best for the area and try and impose it centrally from Southwark Town Hall (or indeed, Lambeth Town Hall if Labour get their way).

We’ve asked you what you want to see happen, and the above pledges are what you’ve told us. But these are just the start. The role of local councillors is to empower local people to create the change they want to see happen in their area. It’s about engaging all year round with residents. Community Councils in  Lib Dem areas of Southwark are lively, engaging events, where people are encouraged to attend and get inveloved, where there are frequent workshops and where local people are asked to decide how they want to spend their area’s money. We want to bring this energy and enthusiam to Peckham Rye.


2 Responses

  1. Laurie,

    This is to confirm our telephone conversation regarding the ramifications of a minor altercation on Kelmore Grove yesterday between one of my neighbours and one of those Council traffic wardens on a scooter. You have committed to taking this case forward for us if elected. I’ll therefore commit to voting for you but you need to keep us informed of your progress.

    I work as a management consultant advising many organisations including various unitary authorities. Local government seems to have got the emphasis between income and expenditure completely wrong. Whilst Southwark Council dreams up ever more Machiavellian schemes and industries to make law abiding citizens into local byelaw violators and penalising them for their victimless violations, they probably apply very lax criteria and control over expenditure.

    At one London Borough it took me as a consultant to point out that they were summonsing 40% of their principal householders for council tax payment violations, when 90% of them were willing to pay. Their arcane, net income generating and draconian collection methods caused the problem.

    At another council they exert little or no control over how social care is assessed and paid for, leading to over-specification and consequent over expenditure which is further compounded by delaying subsequent case reviews to well over a year after assessment. Not only is this a waste of money, it delivers poor customer outcomes such as a dependency culture.

    In this case the council is wasting our money patrolling back water streets which require no outside intervention to work properly, as well as designing traps for the unwary – go and look at the east corner of KG and TG, where the coverage of the double yellow lines does not include the ramp for pushchairs and catches perfectly good people out all the time.


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