Peckham Rye Liberal Democrats

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Lib Dem Conference 2009

by Laurie Eggleston on 21 September, 2009


Blog is coming today from sunny Bournemouth, on day 3 of the Liberal Democrat Conference!

As a first-timer to conference, I wasn’t sure what to expect. But I’m glad to say it’s so far been a lot of fun and all very interesting stuff. Lots of debates, discussions, training and meeting interesting people.

Thanks to Liberal Youth, for giving me one of their voting rep spaces, which makes the debates in the main hall that bit more interesting. Liberal Youth seem to be attempting a coup on the conference with various amendments and emergency debates proving successful – good work!

Nick Clegg appearing much more confidence and self-assured on stage (pictured above), during a Q&A session, so looking forward to his leader’s speech on Wednesday.

Best thing so far was a Radio 4 World at One panel discussion, featuring Danny Alexender and a very entertaining Lord Digby Jones. Also seen a good debate on Civil Liberties and had a good training session on how to run an effective polling day. Loving the free wine at all the fringe meetings too!

Also very pleased with the balmy weather. Thought this was supposed to be autumn! Grabbed a quick half an hour on the beach yesterday. Feels slightly wrong to be in a conference hall all day when it’s so nice outside!

Learning that Conference is much more of a slog than the nice relaxing weekend I thought it would be! The late night drinking is relentless…

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