Laurie Eggleston, Jennifer Blake & Alastair Bowman; your local Focus Team and Council Candidates Learn more
We are currently lobbying Transport for London to extend the number 63 bus to Honor Oak Park.
This is a campaign which started on the doorsteps. Several people raised this with us while we were conducting our resident’s survey last year. Since the momentum has been growing. We’ve been collecting signatures door-to-door for this, and everyone we ask to sign does so gladly. The most common response we get from people is “this is just common sense”. Sadly TfL don’t do common sense.
From next year Honor Oak Park station will be part of the London Overground Network, allowing easy access to the City, and several useful Tube connections. The 63 currently stops just 3 stops short of Honor Oak Park – on the other side of a large hill. For the elderly or those with children, or indeed in icy conditions, the climb can be a huge inconvenience.
We’ve made it clear from the start with TfL that if extended, there would have to be additional buses serving the route, so that sevice levels are maintained. TfL have insisted though that it would cost too much and wouldn’t generate the extra money needed.
We’ve made several requests for this decision to be reviewed. Caroline Pidgeon, one of London’s Lib Dem Assembly members and Chair of the Transport Committee, has raised this with the Mayor’s office. TfL are simpy unwilling though to listen to the voices of local people. We’ve tried explaining that from next year the route will be more attractive to Honor Oak Park and the Overground line. We’ve tried explaining that the new boy’s school on Peckham Rye will increase passenger numbers and demands on local buses. We’ve tried explaining that since they’ve already decided to cut trains into central London from Peckham Rye, that this might offer a sensible alternative for local people, and reduce the pressure on Peckham Rye.
South London needs to make sure its transport network is as joined-up as possible. It simply doesn’t make sense for this bus to stop short of Honor Oak Park. We’re urging all local residents to add their voice to the campaign, so that Transport for London are forced to listen to the demands of local people.
You can sign the petition online at our dedicated site, here:
And please get in touch if you want to help out and get involved!