Peckham Rye Liberal Democrats

Laurie Eggleston, Jennifer Blake & Alastair Bowman; your local Focus Team and Council Candidates Learn more

Meeting Vince Cable

by Laurie Eggleston on 31 August, 2009


Found this picture from a few months back, thought it was worth sticking on here, as party of the campaign diary…

This was at an event at the Bermondsey Square hotel, with Vince Cable speaking his wise words of wisdom on the credit crunch and the effects it will have. He makes the point that while the banking crisis hits the headlines, it’s the human cost of the recession that’s the tragedy.


While the economy has to be stimulated now, once we start to move out of the recession spending will have to be cut dramatically. How we do that whilst protecting society’s most vulnerable will be the biggest challenge of the next few years. It’s why the Lib Dems in Southwark have frozen council tax, and why nationally the Lib Dems have the most progressive taxation plans; with a policy to raise the income tax threshold to £10,000.


I definitely recommend Vince’s book The Storm, for an in-depth explanation to the credit crunch. The guy knows his stuff.

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